经过持续三年多的努力,我们ADSL实验室与美国内华达大学的颜枫教授(今年获得NSF CAREER Award)带领的IDS实验室、德国贝尔实验室陈瑞川博士合作完成的HiPress系统被计算机系统领域国际顶会——第28届“ACM操作系统原理大会”(SOSP:ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles)收录,向各位参与研究工作的老师、同学、合作者表示祝贺。
论文题目:Gradient Compression Supercharged High-Performance Data Parallel DNN Training
论文摘要:Gradient compression is a promising approach to alleviating the communication bottleneck in data parallel deep neural network(DNN)training by significantly reducing the data volume of gradients for synchronization.While gradient compression is being actively adopted by the industry(e.g.,Facebook and AWS),our study reveals that there are two critical but often overlooked challenges:1)inefficient coordination between compression and communication during gradient synchronization incurs substantial overheads,and 2)developing,optimizing,and integrating gradient compression algorithms into DNN systems imposes heavy burdens on DNN practitioners,and ad-hoc compression implementations often yield surprisingly poor system performance.
In this paper,we first propose a compression-aware gradient synchronization architecture,CaSync,which relies on a flexible composition of basic computing and communication primitives.It is general and compatible with any gradient compression algorithms and gradient synchronization strategies,and enables high-performance computation-communication pipelining.We further introduce a gradient compression toolkit,CompLL,to enable efficient development and automated integration of on-GPU compression algorithms into DNN systems with little programming burden.Lastly,we build a compression-aware DNN training framework HiPress with CaSync and CompLL.HiPress is open-sourced and runs on mainstream DNN systems such as MXNet,TensorFlow,and PyTorch.Evaluation in a 16-node cluster with 128 NVIDIA V100 GPUs and 100Gbps network shows that HiPress improves the training speed up to 106.4%over the state-of-the-art across six popular DNN models.